S.C. Maya Interaktive S.R.L.


S.C. Maya Interaktive S.R.L.


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© 2023 S.C. Maya Interaktive S.R.L .. All rights reserved
Updated version - January 2023, S.C. Maya Interaktive S.R.L.

SC Maya Interactive S.R.L. does not guarantee that the materials and information on this website are available or suitable in all countries or languages. You and S.C. Maya Interactive S.R.L. you agree that any disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with the use of this website will be governed by Swiss law and will be submitted exclusively to the courts in Switzerland.

Updating the legal notice
We reserve the right to make any additions or changes to this legal notification. Please visit this page from time to time to find out about them and new information.

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